Star spangled to death - Ken Jacobs

Me interesa hablar del personaje de Jerry, quien representa a los que no encajan en una sociedad, mas bien en la una sociedad determinada en un lugar y un tiempo en el que cuando las personas intentan salir o salen por falta de recursos de las conductas determinadas como "normales" o "aceptadas" se les hace a un lado. Para mi pesa mas Jerry que Jack quien sería un tipo de contraparte ya que es el que vive la vida.
Creo que es un filme que se necesita ver varias veces para lograr entender todas las analogías y todo lo que hay por experimentar e interpretar. Una de las partes que mas me gustó es la de los experimentos con los monos, me parece genial.

GZ: Whereas you were hoping an indeterminate cinema, an explosion of cinematic images presented to the viewer, would allow the viewer through reflection and interpretation to take an active role in the aesthetic experience, you see that this idea of indeterminacy is being used to reify viewers.

KJ: Ironically, when I first got started making films, in a vague sense this is what I hoped for – a cinema by which, through interpretation and reflection, the viewer could constitute his or her own aesthetic experience. Yet, experiences like the one manufactured by this game have no place for interpretative or reflective capacities of the human mind. They merely give the illusion of choice, while turning people into automatons. It lends no real freedom to the viewer, or in this case, player. Here it’s just training and triggering in violence. It’s just a matter of choosing who to kill. You are taken deeper and deeper into this fake reality, which gives you a false sense that you are making decisions. In a sense, games like this one are just continuing a trend amongst many films. I hoped that an indeterminate cinema would force the viewer to actively reflect on what they saw on the screen and not just be a passive receiver of images, but make decisions and judgments. I want to give the viewer as much freedom as possible to reflect on what they have seen.